Mrs. Dorris -

Mrs. Russell -

Mrs. Stratemeyer -

Mrs. Allen -

Department of Business

The Department of Business offers a variety of courses designed to meet the needs of students planning, a career in the business world and also to equip students with specific skills, such as typing.  The vocationally directed business student should pursue the maximum number of courses in this department

BUS 310: Computer Concepts

BUS 310: Computer Concepts

Credits: 1

Level: Freshman or Sophomore

Prerequisite: Computer keyboarding with a grade of C or better.

This class utilizes Microsoft Office 2010, including Office, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint to create real world projects to enhance necessary skills needed for high school and/or college projects, and for future employment in business and industry.  Students will use this class to build word processing skills, and to reinforce essential communication, keyboarding and internet skills, particularly internet research.  Some multimedia applications will be explored.

BUS 311: Basic Keyboarding

BUS 311: Basic Keyboarding

Credits: 1

Level: Freshman or Sophomore

Keyboarding is a course planned to develop basic skills in keyboarding techniques for typewriter style keyboards found on computers.  Major emphasis is placed on keyboarding technique, proofreading, and correcting errors.  Letters, reports, and other business forms needed in the work force will be introduced.

BUS 320: Introduction to Business

BUS 320: Introduction to Business

Credits: 1

Level: Freshman or Sophomore

Students will learn concepts and skills required for success in today's world.  They will explore such topics as banking, maintaining a checking account, the wise use of credit and credit cards, career planning and development, being a wise consumer, as well as other topics.  Students will get hands-on experience in managing their own checking account by working on a simulation.

BUS 332: Accounting I

BUS 332: Accounting I (B201 - Accounting I)

Credits: 1

Level: Junior or Senior

COLLEGE CREDIT (3 hours earned if the student makes an A, B, or C in the class.)

Accounting I is a skill level course that is of value to all students.  Instruction includes information on keeping, summarizing, and analyzing financial records for personal and business decision making.  An understanding of budget preparation, financial reports, and career opportunities is emphasized.  Accounting computer applications are integrated throughout the course.  A workbook costing approximately $18.00 will be required for this class.

BUS 333: Information Processing I

BUS 333: Information Processing I (B321 - Information Processing I-A)

Credits: 1

Level: Junior or Senior

Prerequisite: Keyboarding

College credit (4 credit hours) will be rewarded to students who have a yearly average of C or better.  You learn very practical and needed hands-on skills to help you be more comfortable and productive using computers to fulfill life's challenges in school and the working world.  Extensive, important skills will be developed using Office 2010 (Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint) as you create, integrate, manipulate applications etc.

BUS 340: Business Accounting II

BUS 340: Business Accounting II (B301 Accounting II)

Credits: 1 

Level: Senior

Prerequisite: Accounting I

Accounting II is a skill-level course that builds upon the foundation established in principles of accounting with more emphases being placed on financial statements and accounting records.  It is a study of different types of business organizations such as partnerships and corporations.  The students will become familiar with such specialized fields of accounting as cost accounting, tax accounting, payroll accounting, and other.  Accounting work is also done on the computer in every chapter with some internet usage.  A workbook must be purchased for this class.  This course is recommended for business and Accounting majors as they prepare to take college courses.

BUS 337: Business Law

BUS 337: Business Law

Credits: 1/2

Level: Junior or Senior

Business Law is a useful class for students regardless of interest.  It helps you find out what your rights are and what to do if they are violated.  Students will apply their knowledge by reading cases and explaining which laws apply to each case.  They will also participate in a mock trial at the end of the semester.

BUS 338: Business Math

BUS 338: Business Math

Credits: 1/2

Level: Junior or Senior

This class is useful for all students, no matter what career they may choose.  It covers topics that are used in daily life such as gross pay, overtime pay, fringe benefits, budgeting, etc.  Students will use their skills to solve a variety of problems.  This course may partially fulfill the math requirement if prior approval is given by the Guidance Department.

BUS 335: Desktop Publishing

BUS 335: Desktop Publishing

Credits: 1

Level: Junior or Senior

Prerequisite: Comp. Applications or Tech in Bus. With a C or better.

A project-based class that teaches skills needed for planning and creating desktop-published documents with digital graphics.  This class teaches the fundamentals of publishing using the following software:  Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator.  An additional function of this class will be to design and assemble the Sentinel Yearbook.

BUS 336: Multimedia A

BUS 336: Multimedia A (Video Production Emphasis)

Credits: 1

Level: Junior or Senior

This project-based class explores most facets of the Apple iLife suite including the construction of websites using iWeb, video editing using iMovie, and dvd creation using iDVD.  This class will also focus on videography techniques / principles and be in charge of producing Studio 7 News.  Some aspects of Adobe CS3 including Dreamweaver and Photoshop will also be taught.  Some group projects created in this class include a Public Service Announcment, and short movie.

BUS 342: Sports and Entertainment Marketing

BUS 342: Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Credits: 1

Level: Junior or Senior

Students will explore the intriguing world of sports and entertainment from a marketing perspective.  They will learn marketing concepts using real examples from the sports and entertainment industry.  A variety of activities, including interactive online activities, will be used to supplement the text for this class.

BUS 345: Multimedia B

BUS 345: Multimedia B (Website Design Emphasis)

Credits: 1

Level: Junior or Senior

This main focus of this project-based class will be the concepts of web page planning and design utilizing the iWeb and Dreamweaver programs.  This class will also utilize Apple's iLife suite to learn video editing, and DVD creation.  Other multimedia and graphics programs will be introduced as time permits.  Each student will plan and design a personal website.